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My first chickens

These were my very first chickens. Sadly I lost them all to a weasel that year.

A chicken coop! This is “Chicky,” the yet-unnamed chick who is too small to run with the hens yet. He/she (we think Chicky is a she) has his/her own specialized coop to shelter him/her from the weather.

Rose and Poe in their coop. Pay attention to the ground — there’s a quiz later.

Poe and Rose in their coop. Are you looking at the ground?

Poe in the coop. This is when they first moved in. Notice all the grass. (If you were paying attention in the previous pictures, you’ll know what I mean.)

9/24/00. Introducing Ivy, a Banty Barred Rock cross. Look at her pretty feathers. Her name is Ivy because she quietly creeps along, and she has green feathers. I think she is part Houdan, since she has 5 toes.

9/24/00. Ivy and her half brother, Morris the rooster. He is a half banty too. His name is Morris because when he crows, he meows like a cat. Ivy is never too far away.

They have their own coop.

9/24/00. Ivy and Morris, trying to figure out what I am doing.

Poe thinks the camera is food.

Rose thinks my shoes are food. Look at how much grass is left in their coop.

Some different hens and chicks. :-)

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