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Exploding Incubators


I knew it was coming. I mean you don’t put 40 eggs in an incubator and NOT expect something to happen. But I didn’t expect it to happen _today_.
I was ahead of schedule. Gary did a lion’s share of the chores, phenomenal since he starts work now at 6am and we are outside doing chores very early. So he was done at 5am and I finished at 5:30 and headed up to the garden. I weeded and staked the tomatoes and was back at the house before 6:30. This day was going well, and ahead of schedule.


I had also done a couple loads of laundry, washed dishes, showered and got ready for work. I thought I would give the incubator just a quick peek, give the eggs a couple shakes and a listen to see if these things were going to hatch or not.
A couple chicks had already hatched out, several eggs were pipping and on their way. I had to scramble to get a brooder set up as quickly as I could, help one chick get dried shell off his back (I called him helmet butt if that helps the mental picture) and got them set with water, food and a heat lamp.

Time: 8:15.
Ooops. So much for being ahead of schedule.

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