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No Free Lunches


We couldn’t believe our luck. Someone on our local freecycle list was offering a stack of logs for free. They were big pine logs.


We were a little cramped setting up, and the logs were so big and downhill that they were very hard to move by hand. We had no tractor or anything to help us.


We had such big plans for this wood. We were going to redo our hay wagons which sorely need new wood sides. These logs were wide enough and long enough to do it.


We turned the log to create a cant and get going on sawing this up.


But luck was not with us today. This is one of the bolts we found in t log. Once you hit hardware like this, the teeth on the sawblade bend and render it useless. We went through 3 blades on this log alone. At $30 each, it was turning into an expensive day. We thanked the owners and went back down the road with just a few pieces of wood to show for our day.

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