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Dropped chickens off

Dropped the Silver Cockerels off this morning. They were about a week late (butcher could not take them last week). It was so hot yesterday: our thermometer reached 103 degrees. I did not want to stress them more by moving them in that heat. I loaded all the birds into a transport cage (picked it up just days earlier at an auction!) and they spent the night in the barn. Gathering them up was difficult. First it was hot. Really hot. I could only pick up one bird at a time, although Hank was very very eager to help. I ended up putting him in a kennel for the duration. Then one of this year’s roosters (they all roam free now, especially in this heat) decided I was a threat and began pecking my feet and legs every time I walked by. They can deliver an awful punch ;-) But I finally got all the chickens loaded, just in time to help Gary unload hay from the truck.
I dropped the chickens off first thing in the morning and actually arrived to work earlier than usual. It was cool and they were calm, and I felt quite accomplished by 8a.m.

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