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Dropped the first pig off


We dropped the first pig off. He was a couple weeks older than the others. The chute Gary built worked well with one pig, although I have my doubts about how it will work with multiple pigs. We will see! Gary had placed some pig food in the back of the truck to tempt him to get up there, and the chickens enjoy the leftovers. They are an excellent clean up crew. Murphy, of course, looks on.


On our way back from the butcher’s, we stopped at an auction. I broke down and bought a couple turkeys as well as a mille fleur hen with 5 mixed breed chicks. I am glad we did not stay longer since there were some nice sheep there as well as some pigs. Pictured here are the turkeys, a broad-breasted white tom and a Royal Palm hybrid hen. The BB will be Gary’s dinner I am afraid, they are not bred to live very long. :( Hank looks on.


Murphy and Hank have a love/hate relationship. Hank loves to tease Murphy and Murphy hates it. This picture shows Murphy trying to sneak up on Hank to give him a quick peck on the butt, as he loves to do.

Posted in Farm Collies, Pigs, Poultry. Tagged with , , , , .

2 Responses

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  1. Hi,

    Saw your blog/web page about pigs. We raise pigs on pasture too. We have about forty right now. There is a lot of demand for weaners from people who want to raise their own. We have been working on educating people that it is quite easy to raise winter pigs as well as summer pigs which is more traditional. We raise ours on pasture during the warm weather and then in garden-corrals in the dead of winter which turns our poor mountain soil into rich garden soil in a couple of years. Our pigs are outdoors all year round and bedded with lots of hay which they eat in the winter. We also sell quite a few raised up hogs delivered to the butcher for people and are working to expand that end of things.


    Walter Jeffries
    Sugar Mtn Farm
    in Vermont

  2. robert said

    hi. nice blog.

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