I am back to work but Gary is not. He started a turkey shed for us today. By the looks of it the turkeys are ready to move in! Gary is more than ready for them to move in. They have been roosting in the barn and while they have been avoiding the tractor and roosting on sawhorses instead, they still poop a lot no matter where they are.
Turkeys are very curious creatures. They have an excellent sense of hearing and have a 270 degree field of vision. If there is a hawk flying above, they are usually the first to see it and alert everyone else. Mama Heather turkey, a Narigansett (not pictured here) can hear me if I am throwing treats and comes running from where ever she is to get her share. Today’s treat was watermelon rinds and bad tomatoes. By the time I got home from work, that watermelon rind was as thin as a sheet of paper.
Here is one of Heather’s daughters, a Nari/bronze cross, checking us out from the roof while we sit on the deck after chores. The turkeys have also learned to fly up on the deck and raid my grape tomato plant. They usually knock other plants down in the process, so their trail is pretty apparent.
My mother-in-law celebrated her birthday this past weekend. Two of her daughters gifted her with the same bird feeder. Great minds think alike! I thought that was pretty cool, the daughters know her and her tastes so well! I knitted for Dorothy a vest from an alpaca blend yarn.
Then it happened to me too! My sister’s gifts from Idaho arrived yesterday and look what she sent. Pictured together are what my MIL (left) and sister (right) gave me. A matching set.
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