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Roosters slept in this morning

Yesterday morning it appeared that one of the does in the barn was losing her plug aka starting to kid. I worried about her all day at work and rushed home to check her. Last year she kidded on a very cold morning and abandoned her kid. She had an easy time kidding then, but I didn’t want to go through fostering another kid if I could help it (last year I ended up bringing the kid to work for about a week before grafting her to another doe).
Despite my worries, the doe had not changed one bit. Still worried, I cracked open some books and did some web sleuthing to see if I was worrying for nothing. I decided that I was worrying about nothing, but continued to worry.

We broke a high temperature record yesterday. Binghamton recorded 49 degrees and it we read that on our thermometer here, too. The weather was nice enough for Gary to grill some pork chops on the charcoal grill, but I was too stressed to eat.
I went out to the barn a couple times before going to bed, and then flipped on the baby monitor. The roosters waited until 3am today to start their crowing. Alarm is set for 3:15 so they were pretty much on target for once.

Today was pretty uneventful. Somehow the gate to one of the goat pens in the barn got unlatched and three does were walking around the barn when Gary got home. No harm done. The lack of nanny berries and mess indicated they hadn’t been out long.

I made pizza for dinner with some homemade sauce from last year’s tomatoes and garlic. We were asleep before 8:00 p.m.!

Behind the scenes news – I heard back from the photographer about Round 1 of pictures and although the outside shots were taken on a gray dreary day (imagine a day without sunshine in upstate NY! How unusual!) we managed to get some good shots, especially of the goats. She did a test round with her cranky camera of Tuesday, and they turned out, so hopes are high that the shots we took on a sunny day will be great too.

Posted in FRL Diary Entry, Goats. Tagged with , , , , , .

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