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Workin’ Hard, Hardly Workin’

I have been working so much lately at my fulltime job I’ve hardly had time to tackle anything on the farm. Chores take longer now – the colder temps mean that water freezes and fresh water must be poured and distributed around. Gary has been taking care of all the afternoon chores himself.
I am even behind on my egg deliveries. I usually take lunchtime on Thursdays to do my deliveries at work, but with last week’s training and other conflicts, I never had time to do this. I had an egg customer to catch up with this week, so I ran out at lunchtime to drop off her eggs. On my way back I stopped at Cornell Orchards to take advantage of their buy one get one free sale on half-bushels. I see lots of apples in our future, and what we don’t eat can be given to any of the critters as a mid-winter treat.

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