At first I thought we were going to have a dud. The weather service degraded the status of the storm, and it did not start until 7pm or so last night. But guess what?
We really got dumped on. It is hard to say how much we got – not only is it sitll coming down but we have had quite a wind as well. The snow is very heavy and dense since the temperature has hovered around 32-35 all day. I’d say at this point we have the 2 feet we were promised.
The power has been on and off. I scattered our collection of oil lamps all over the house – just in case – and filled a couple water buckets. Then on automatic pilot, I did laundry. Well I can’t be thinking all the time now can I?
Here is a rooster in a tree. I rescued him and put him in the barn. Chicken, my wandering rooster, was found under a couple of inches of snow. A white chicken, he blended right in with the snow collected on the ground and swirling in the air. I had to look out the window a couple times to confirm it was him. I brought him in the basement so he could dry off before I put him in the barn. I would have gotten away with it too if he hadn’t started to crow once he got dry and happy.
We have a full house in the basement today as it is. The dogs are there of course and a load of firewood, but we had to bring the other goat kid inside. Even though he slept under the light last night, Gary found him this morning chilled almost to death. This guy has turned right around though and is doing well. Here’s hoping.
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