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This year’s pigs

So I casually mentioned yesterday that we sold all the goats. Most of them. I kept 3 – Liddy the pygmy, Annie the saanen, and Tucker the boer buck. Annie should be kidding any day now (as should the other goats who I sold).

The next day after the goats were gone, Gary brought home 2 piglets. They stayed in the barn while it was cold and buried themselves in the hay and basked under a heat lamp when it was really cold.

But this weekend, they went outside.

We moved them to a pasture goats had been wintered in. The pigs are good at working up the old hay.

They really are growing quickly. And getting friendly. Baby pigs are skittish at first but when they realize we bring food and give good back scratches, they calm down quickly.

Chicken, a rooster who only stays outside with the goats (his choice) edges in for a bite.

The pigs get all the spare eggs.

Want some?

Posted in Pigs.

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