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The great escape!

Pigs got out this morning. They squeezed right under their gate, the little buggers. Getting 2 pigs in with one person is not an easy task – you need one to push the pigs and one to grab the gate. One person will only be successful if both pigs go in at once, and guess what? That almost never happens.

It sure didn’t today. I got one in but not the other. Here’s a tip for all you pig chasers out there: a bristle broom strategically pointed at a porcine hind end will make said porcine move very quickly and usually where you want them to go.

Once Gary got home from his job, we quietly and easily got the second pig back in their pasture. Thankfully he only laid around with the other pig all day with just the fence separating them.

Posted in Pigs.

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