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Bird pix

This hen hatched her chicks while sitting on a pile of baling twine stored in a washtub in the barn. 11 tiny balls of fluff.

This is a hefty number of babies to look after, so after an afternoon in the grass, I placed the hen and her precocious chicks in a coop. Now I will feel better knowing she is protected by crows, hawks and other birds who may threaten her babies.

The English Bantams have 2 chicks too. They are so tiny! Can you see them?

Many baby ducks!

The turkeys have moved outside and enjoy hunting for bugs.

The turkeys and their chicken buddies are good at getting into things, like these planters I just filled.

Here’s an action shot of Hank approaching as I was taking turkey pictures.

The calves are growing fast!

Luther takes a nap by the hostas.

Posted in Cattle, Farm Collies, Poultry.

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