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Time to trudge through the snow and feed the pigs. An extra bonus today: I found a stash of tiny banty eggs in the barn. There are 6 hens in the barn and each week they find a new place to lay their eggs. This week’s hot spot was under the wood splitter.

The girls squeal and squeak when they realize what time it is.

They love those eggs!

And back scratches.

The purveyors of those fine eggs, part of my banty flock in the barn.

After the pigs are fed, we go across to feed the calf. He’s about 7 months old now and his horns are starting to show.

My 3 spring toms follow us up. Murphy doesn’t like the snow as much as they do.

Gary has plowed a wide avenue up the hill. The house and barns are below.

same picture, with turkey :)

Murphy has stayed down below to take advantage of some cleared patches of grass. Big Tom is with him.

It’s a beautiful day. Tomorrow is supposed to be 50 degrees, and then we get more snow.

Liddy update: Liddy is doing great. She gets a dose of children’s liquid ibuprofen every 8 hours or so. I wonder if kids eat that stuff up as eagerly and quickly as Liddy? She now checks my pockets and hands whenever I visit to see if I have brought more for her to eat.

Posted in Goats, Pigs, Poultry.

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