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Where POD means Poop On Demand. :D However, I have recently learned that goats will not POD no matter how much you beg and plead them to do so. Part of goat management this time of year includes monitoring their worm load, which requires a sample to be tested. It’s best to know where your sample comes from – which is where that POD feature comes in handy. Much better than standing around in the field with baggies in your pockets waiting for the next fresh sample to arrive. Ask me how I know.

But when not being asked for POD, goats will leave a lot of manure around for the taking. Although rumor has it that goats will eat anything – including tin cans – they are actually very picky eaters. By winter’s end, there is a lot of leftover hay they have scattered on the ground around their feeders. This hay has to be raked up and removed, or the grass underneath will not grow as fast. I rake up the hay and use it as bedding in the garden.

Today it was used on the onions. They hay keeps the moisture in, the weeds at bay, and has lots of built-in composted goat poop that makes great fertilizer.

I use simple wooden stakes and a Sharpie to mark my rows. These are Yellow Globe which will grow to be a medium sized onion.

These are Red Wethersfield, an heirloom type with pink flesh. Red onions are my favorite! Cornell has a great online guide to vegetable varieties I encourage you to check out.

We have a bit of a cold spell coming up that includes a bit of a frost. Once that night is behind us, I will plant some peas and radish. The garden will be a bit smaller this year but I am experimenting with some different varieties and growing methods to allow us to offer our customers more choices.

Posted in Garden.

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