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Farm On Ice

A couple days ago an ice storm struck. As far as ice storms go, this one was not too bad. But still, we got ice. Then snow. Then wind. So snow turned to ice, and what snow was left covered the ice.

Duck#3 tries the ice

No one is sure footed on ice.

Duck#2 tries the ice

The ducks move from the barn (where there is food) to their puddles and somehow forget they can fly over the ice.


Miraculously, this spring continues to flow during most of the winter and gives the ducks some mud to play in. Our little pond froze over long ago.

Unsure poult

This little poult doesn’t know what to make of this ice.

Murphy (and Scurfy and Darth)

Murphy is an old pro.

The goats are not as sure-footed in this ice either. They pick and choose where to put their feet and I can actually hear their sighs of relief as they reach a safe spot.

I have terrible footing on the ice. I am becoming an expert body sledder, using haybales as my board. It’s a hard stop when I reach deep snow though!


The driveway is once again a luge run for some white knuckle rides down to the road. Thankfully our road has little traffic.


Ashes help with the ice on sunny days. This weekend we are due for another 10″ snow which may help as well.

If I don’t blog for a while, look for me at the bottom of our driveway! I’ll be under a haybale no doubt. :)

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