Some folks have asked if we are offering produce this year. The combination of my accident, moving to the new farm, poor weather and poor planning made for a small garden. I am just growing enough for us, enough to freeze and eat along the way. Six tomatoes (slicers as I still have about 2 cases of sauce from last year), six bell peppers, 2 zukes and 2 cukes.
Everything is doing great. I supplemented the soil with a lot of our homegrown horse manure.
Without a dog doing regular patrols around the farm, my chickens have now attracted a fox. Most of the birds are now enclosed during the day and they are not happy one bit! But they are alive. This fox is brazen and not afraid of me one little bit. I will have to feed him a bit of lead in the very near future. Wish me luck.
Meanwhile here is a cute video I took a couple of weeks ago.
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