It was a glorious fall day yesterday. We are in the middle of a heat wave for this time of year: 60 and sunny during the day, low 30s at night.
On my way home from getting feed, I stopped and took some pictures of Bittersweet growing wild.
I drive by this patch every day on my way to work. I start looking for the berries in September, and they light up my winter drive when the snow has fallen. I’ll have to remember to snap some pix when this spot is blanketed.
Rosehips add a bright spot of color too. All of our leaves are gone so I’ll take what I can get!
Today is also a bittersweet kind of day. For the past 18 months we have been raising steers since their birth on the farm, and today is the day we bring them down the road to the butcher. It’s usually a sad day for me – in case you haven’t noticed I am a bit of a softie – but I know that we have raised some good meat for our customers.
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