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Feeding More Birds Every Day

mama with chicks

And no, I am not talking about the 7 new fluffball chicks. (Though, aren’t they cute? I love baby chickens.)

Squirrel-proof birdfeeder

I put out the birdfeeders and suet. The feeder is supposed to be squirrel-proof. It is a tube within a tube: when enough weight gets on it, the outer tube slides down to cover up the seed holes. I’ll let you know how it goes! So far I am attracting more and more chickadees daily, the ever-present cardinal pairs, goldfinches (who aren’t so gold anymore) and LBJs. LBJs are Little Brown Jobs which sometimes defy classification. We have plenty of pileated woodpeckers around here – I have never seen them at feeders – as well as smaller woodpeckers and nuthatches that I hear all around but they have yet to visit the suet. I love watching all of the birds!

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  1. Nice! Let’s hope your device keeps those pesky squirells at bay. I’ll be coming back to see how it went.

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