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Too Late, Too Little


Our potatoes were not planted until June since we got a late start after that incident with Hank. Late start + deer who love to eat the green tops = small potatoes no matter how much manure you use and how persistent you are at weeding and hilling.


That’s not even 5 pounds after a row and a half. Nothing like the great potato harvest of 2007 or the harvest of 2008!

Dusting chickens

I have to admit it has been a nice day today, even if we did “Fall Back” and it will now get dark sooner. I worked in short sleeves when I was in the garden. The chickens busied themselves with some dust baths (no wonder nothing ever grows in this bed).

Dusting chickens

This young pullet was not happy to have her picture taken. Better get used to it, girlie!

Group of chickens

No matter what I did today, I always had plenty of helpers near by.


They would make sure my boots didn’t get too dirty, things like that.

I Kinneared Murphy

And Murphy was close – sometimes *too* close ;)

Posted in Cattle, Garden, Poultry. Tagged with , , , , .

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  1. I planted my potatoes right on time and they didn’t do anything either. I love all the chickens and turkeys. Their is nothing better than setting on the porch watching the chickens pluck and scratch.

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