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Well, hi! Been a while I know. Sorry about that!
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Got the garden in late this year, very late. It was to the point when I thought I would have no garden at all, but that just didn’t sit well with me. I managed to find some plants who were well on their way at local greenhouses and the garden was well on its way.
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Tomatoes are getting there. I planted some plums, slicers and cherries.

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And eggplants, yum.
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And here’s a bean’s eye view. I didn’t get a good germination rate this year due to old seed. I will have to find more green bean seeds. There’s nothing better than home-canned green beans!
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My pole bean seeds are about a year old — I am hoping I get better germination than the string beans!
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Well here is my first harvest. Blueberries are coming in too. I can’t wait for everything else!

Posted in 910, Garden.

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