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Container Gardening

Pictures of the garden will be posted soon. As soon as it stops raining! I don’t think it ever will.
Meanwhile I have some containers on the deck going.
[flickr id=”8885930100″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”large” group=”containers” align=”none”]
Most of them are herbs: 3 kinds of basil, 3 kinds of sage, parsley, tarragon, rosemary, lavender, thyme. Plus some cherry tomatoes, and some flowers, ornamental and edible (nasturtiums). I also set aside some containers for lettuce and mesclun.

[flickr id=”8911439472″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”large” group=”containers” align=”none”]
Here is a container for lettuce. But some of these seedlings are not like the others. Can you spot them?

[flickr id=”8904573477″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”large” group=”containers” align=”none”]
Here’s another sample, maybe they are more obvious mixed in with the larger lettuces. See them? Those are sunflower seedlings, no doubt planted via the black oil sunflower seeds that fill my birdfeeders (and Murphy’s favorite treat).

How do you think they got there?

[flickr id=”8931142954″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”large” group=”containers” align=”none”]
Apparently I have a gardening squirrel.

[flickr id=”8927550976″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”large” group=”containers” align=”none”]
Murphy is not amused.

Posted in Garden. Tagged with , , .

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