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Planning for Spring

We are in the final stages of planning what we will grow and sell this year. On the list are potatoes, onions, garlic and shallots. The garlic is already in the ground.

I would like to try salad greens like a mesclun mix. I usually grow these in containers on the deck for a quick salad with whatever we are grilling that night. But I would love to grow them in bigger quantities. I am thinking of raised beds since I could protect those from weather and greedy poultry and clumsy dogs pretty easily.
Gary gave me some blueprints for a sturdy greenhouse as a Christmas gift this year and this will be a good project to do in March, and start my seeds in it.
Also on the list are meat chickens again. My husband would like to raise meat turkeys, the large white birds as opposed to heritage turkeys that received so much press last year. The turkeys I raise now are heritage meat birds (except for Murphy, the Royal Palm) and I think they have too much personality to raise for the table!
They really are a treat to have around even though they jump on everything.
And of course we will have pigs this year. Our bred sow has had a litter or 2 before so I am thinking she may have 10 piglets. Gary’s not sure if we will get the other gilt bred. All of the pigs together are eating about 100 pounds of feed a day, and it will only increase!
In the end, it is all up to our customers what we will raise for market. I like to make sure we have a market for what we raise in quantity before we actually do it.

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  1. judy and eldon mead said

    We moved from Newark Valley 28 years ago. We are now living in Zephrhills, Florida. We were wondering where your farm is. How long have you lived in Newark Valley?

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