We moved the calf out to the barn this evening and moved Nala and her triplets out of their private suite to make room for the little guy. Gary took over feeding too which didn’t bother me too much. Maybe it’s just my technique, but when I bottle feed a calf I get most of it in the cow and part of it on me. Plus lots of cow slime. Notice the little goat looking on?

Lots goes on in the barn at night. Xena is telling this female muscovy to move on – he doesn’t like anyone crowding his roost.

Murphy turkey and Xena chose to sleep on the pig pen fence. This is always a bad choice. The pigs love to rub their backends on the scratchin-post of a fence and any bird who chooses to roost there gets quite a ride, like poor Murphy here.
6 Responses
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what breed is xena? is he a cross? i have a roo that looks llike him and was curiose what was put together to make him. mine has a rose comb like yours too. thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
Hi Jesse – Xena is a Silver-Laced wyandotte. When he was a chick, the girls thought he was a hen who like d to fight, and that is how he got his name.
A good place to look up chicken breeds is http://www.feathersite.com/
Great pictures of the animals!! Brings back memories of my youth and the good old days.
thank you. someone told me mine is a mix. i hope they are wrong because i like the silver laced wyandottes and that means i dont have to order a rooster. thanks again.
I noticed you keep a turkey with your chickens. I had a great turkey I bought at auction for $5 because it was in horrible shape. The auctioneer asked me to buy it during the bidding because no one thought it would live, and I guess I looked like a sucker. I took it home and gave it all kinds of drugs and special treatment until finally it grew back all its feathers and sort of became a favorite pet. Over a year later during the winter it got down and couldn’t stand, it was coughing and even though I placed him inside by the heater and gave it antibiotics it died. I spoke with my friends who have chickens and they all told me, “You can’t keep a turkey with chickens because it won’t survive due to blackhead.” They said the only way was either antibiotics regularly, or keep them off the ground. I had heard of this before but I thought it was a myth until I heard it from two other farmers. What do you make of that? I think you may know something they don’t.
Looks like you have a beautiful farm. Where do you live? We have a small farm in N.Y. state and love it here.